Bell Metro Helmet Available for Purchase!

Photo below is of my '05 Bell Metro with optional winter accessory kit and visor mirror. Amazon now has one Bell Metro Helmet, size medium available for purchase with a matte black finish. Click on photo or any of the text links to purchase.
A quote from one of our reader's comments from a previous post highlights some of the practical qualities available with the Bell Metro including longevity of the product and how other bike commuter's snatch up this helmet when available. If I had an extra sixty five bucks I would get this helmet myself for winter commuting.
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Bell Muni Replacing Bell Metro, Not for Me.
Amazing that the 10 year old Bell Metro is so superior to the Bell Muni. The Muni doesn't fit me near as well as the Metro, but luckily I found a place in England with new Metros (but sadly all gone now). According to some tests the BHSI performed, bike helmets don't deteriorate much with age, so your '05 Metro should be good for some time! - See more at: